Alina Habba: Fair Trial ‘Impossible’ in N.Y.

Alina Habba, Donald Trump’s legal spokeswoman, voiced her concerns about the fairness of the trial in New York City during an interview on “Eric Bolling The Balance.” As Trump’s business records case entered its second day, with seven jurors already selected and five more to go, Habba argued that securing a fair trial for the former president would be “impossible,” starting with the challenge of seating an impartial jury.

Habba pointed to the political landscape of Manhattan, dominated by Democrats, and emphasized that it would be unrealistic to expect Trump to receive fair treatment in such an environment. She suggested that the trial’s location in a “blue state” was intentional, echoing similar sentiments about the trial in Washington and Georgia.

According to Habba, the proceedings were not merely about upholding the law, maintaining order, or respecting the Constitution. Instead, she portrayed them as part of a broader agenda aimed at undermining these principles. She criticized the decision to pursue a case dating back eight years, long past the statute of limitations, as evidence of a biased and unfair legal system.

Regarding the composition of the jury, which currently consists of four women and three men, Habba expressed skepticism about the possibility of finding impartial jurors. She argued that the divisive political climate in the country would inevitably influence the jury selection process, making it challenging to assemble a completely unbiased panel.

In Habba’s view, the inherent political tensions and polarization in New York would make it impossible to ensure a “clean jury” free from bias. She emphasized the need for a fair and impartial trial, particularly given the significance of representing a former president in court. However, she remained skeptical about the feasibility of achieving this goal in the current environment.

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