AP Poll: 63 Percent of US Doubts Biden’s Mental Capability

A recent poll reveals a growing skepticism among U.S. adults regarding the cognitive abilities of 81-year-old President Joe Biden, elevating the significance of his upcoming State of the Union address as a real-time test for a potential second term.

According to a survey conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, over 60% of respondents express little to no confidence in Biden’s mental capacity to effectively fulfill his duties as president, marking a slight uptick from January 2022 when about half shared similar concerns.

Similarly, nearly 60% also lack confidence in the mental capabilities of former President Donald Trump, the 77-year-old Republican figurehead.

With both candidates well beyond the standard retirement age, this year’s election is shaping up to be a showdown for the presidency amid mounting concerns about cognitive decline. The challenges facing the next president are immense, from navigating global conflicts to addressing domestic crises and collaborating with a divided Congress.

Biden is expected to tackle these pressing issues and more in his upcoming State of the Union address, aiming to persuade Americans that he merits another term.

However, the president faces significant discontent, with only 38% of U.S. adults approving of his job performance, while 61% disapprove. While Democrats are more likely to support Biden, there is widespread dissatisfaction across the board regarding his handling of various issues, including the economy, immigration, and foreign policy.

Perceptions of the national economy under Biden’s leadership are particularly grim, with a majority of Americans viewing it as worse off than before he took office. Despite this, many respondents feel optimistic about their personal finances.

The poll also reflects deep pessimism about the choices available in November, largely due to concerns about the candidates’ age and cognitive abilities.

While Biden has attempted to address these concerns with humor and by highlighting Trump’s own gaffes, his age remains a significant liability overshadowing his policy achievements.

Notably, a significant portion of Democrats now express doubts about Biden’s mental capabilities, signaling potential challenges for his reelection bid. Independents, in particular, are skeptical of Biden’s abilities compared to Trump’s.

Despite partisan differences, there is a consensus across party lines that the opposing nominee lacks the mental acuity for the presidency.

As the election approaches, voters like Greg Olivo are focusing on the vice presidential candidates, recognizing the likelihood that they could assume the presidency within the next term.

The poll, conducted from February 22 to 26, 2024, surveyed 1,102 adults and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4.1 percentage points.

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