AP Poll: More Bad News for Biden

A recent AP/NORC poll has brought concerning findings for President Joe Biden, showing that a majority of Americans are dissatisfied with his handling of key issues such as the cost of living and border security.

The survey revealed that 58% of respondents believe Biden has negatively impacted the cost of living, and 56% expressed dissatisfaction with his approach to immigration and border security.

In comparison, only 40% and 37% of respondents felt the same about former President Donald Trump regarding these issues, respectively. The poll has a margin of sampling error of 3.9 percentage points.

Christina Elliott, a 60-year-old Republican from Texas, reflected positively on Trump’s presidency, citing economic stability during his term. “Considering the price of gas, the price of groceries, the economy — I did very well during those four years,” she told the AP. “I didn’t have to worry about filling up my tank or losing half of my paycheck to the grocery store.”

Further polling data underscore voter discontent with Biden across important demographic groups:

  • An Ipsos poll indicated that among Latino Americans, 42% prefer Trump over Biden (20%) concerning who is better for the U.S. economy. On crime and public safety, Trump also led Biden by a margin of 31% to 20%.
  • A Wall Street Journal poll across seven swing states noted a decline in Biden’s support among Black men, with Trump gaining traction. Approximately 30% of Black men expressed support for Trump, while 42% of Black women were considered potentially undecided by pollsters.
  • A New York Times survey highlighted a stark contrast in voter sentiment about the upcoming election, with supporters of Trump about twice as likely to feel positive compared to those backing Biden.
  • Real Clear Politics average shows Trump holding a slight edge over Biden by 0.2 points.

These polls collectively suggest growing voter unrest with Biden’s policies as key demographics show signs of shifting allegiance ahead of future elections.

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