Arab Americans Urge Voters to Ditch Biden, Want Him to Resign

President Joe Biden is facing criticism from Arab American grassroots organizations, with some calling for his resignation due to his support for Israel amid its conflict with Iranian-backed Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip. The Arab American community feels let down by Biden’s stance, especially after Hamas carried out attacks resulting in casualties among Israeli civilians, including women and children. While Biden has not explicitly called for a cease-fire, he has attempted to negotiate with Israel for a temporary pause to facilitate the return of hostages, some of whom are believed to be Americans. Additionally, the United States vetoed a U.N. resolution for an immediate humanitarian cease-fire, marking the third time such a resolution has been vetoed by the U.S.

The Abandon Biden National Coalition is among the groups expressing dissatisfaction with Biden’s approach. One member, Hassan Abdel Salam, stated that Biden should resign promptly as his policies are viewed as deeply detrimental, and the coalition will not support him under any circumstances. The movement is urging voters, particularly in battleground states like Michigan, to select “uncommitted” in the upcoming Democrat presidential primary as a form of protest against Biden’s stance on the Israel-Gaza conflict.

The death toll among Palestinians in the Gaza war remains uncertain, with conflicting reports from different sources. While the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry claims a figure of over 29,000, Israel maintains that it has targeted Hamas militants and taken measures to minimize civilian casualties. Biden finds himself in a delicate position, seeking to balance support for Israel with the concerns of Arab American voters, especially in crucial states like Michigan. The Trump campaign appears to be capitalizing on this situation, as evidenced by recent meetings with Republicans from the Arab American community to discuss potential outreach efforts aimed at garnering support from Arab and Muslim Americans.

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