Biden Lashes Out Over Criticism of Failing Memory

President Joe Biden delivered a rare evening address to the nation on Thursday, visibly emotional and defensive as he refuted claims about his mental acuity following the release of a report detailing his handling of classified documents.

Speaking live from the White House, Biden expressed frustration over assertions in the report that suggested he couldn’t recall significant personal events, such as the date of his son Beau’s death in 2015.

“My memory is fine,” he asserted. “To suggest otherwise is outrageous.”

While the report by special counsel Robert Hur cleared Biden of any criminal wrongdoing regarding the storage of classified materials, it did criticize his handling of them. Despite this, it also deemed Biden as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” which the President vehemently rejected.

The timing of the report, just months before the upcoming election, raised eyebrows, particularly among Republicans who seized on the opportunity to question Biden’s fitness for office. House Speaker Mike Johnson and other GOP leaders issued a statement calling the findings “deeply disturbing.”

Biden, however, maintained his confidence, asserting, “I am well-meaning, and I’m an elderly man, and I know what the hell I’m doing.”

He pointed to his accomplishments since taking office and dismissed concerns about his mental acuity as political attacks.

Despite his efforts to dispel doubts, the impact of Hur’s remarks lingered. Biden’s occasional verbal slips, such as momentarily confusing Mexico with Egypt during a press conference, only added fuel to the fire.

The report, commissioned by Attorney General Merrick Garland after classified materials were found at Biden’s Delaware home, concluded that while there was evidence of mishandling classified documents, it wasn’t sufficient for prosecution.

Biden’s legal team criticized Hur’s characterization of the President’s memory lapses as “inaccurate and inappropriate,” arguing that such language had no place in an official report.

In response, Biden highlighted his cooperation with the investigation, noting the extensive interviews he provided.

As the controversy unfolded, Biden reiterated his commitment to his role as President, emphasizing his experience and ability to lead the nation effectively.

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