Biden on Netanyahu Call: ‘I Did Not Ask for a Cease-Fire’

Certainly, I can help rephrase the article to maintain its essence while altering the wording to be unique:

U.S. President Joe Biden communicated with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a comprehensive discussion on Saturday, but refrained from suggesting a halt to hostilities.

In a briefing in Washington, President Biden mentioned, “I engaged in an extensive conversation with Netanyahu today, and it was a private dialogue.”

Responding to an impromptu query, Biden stated, “I did not propose a truce.”

The Israeli Prime Minister’s office indicated that Netanyahu asserted Israel’s determination to persist in the conflict until its objectives were fully met.

During this dialogue, President Biden urged Netanyahu to ensure the safety of non-combatants in Gaza, as per a White House announcement. This plea comes amidst Israel intensifying its military operations in the region.

This interaction followed the United Nations Security Council’s resolution, which called for comprehensive and unhindered humanitarian aid but stopped short of demanding a cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hamas.

“The President stressed the urgent need to safeguard civilians, including those aiding humanitarian efforts, and the necessity of enabling safe evacuation from conflict zones,” the White House conveyed in a release.

The statement from the White House also mentioned discussions about the strategy and progression of Israel’s military actions, including the critical aspect of securing the release of all captives.

On October 7, militants identified as Hamas terrorists infiltrated the Gaza border, launching attacks on communities in southern Israel, resulting in approximately 1,140 casualties, primarily among civilians. This figure is based on official data compiled by Agence France-Presse.

Israeli authorities report that 129 individuals captured during this bold incursion remain in Gaza.

In response, Israel initiated a formidable offensive in Gaza, leading to over 20,000 fatalities, predominantly women and children, according to the Hamas-controlled health ministry.

A recent ceasefire led to the liberation of 105 captives, which included 80 Israelis, in a swap for 240 Palestinians detained in Israeli jails.

The delayed UN resolution, which emerged after extensive diplomatic negotiations, managed to circumvent a U.S. veto by not directly demanding a ceasefire. The United States and Russia abstained from voting on this resolution.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres emphasized that a “humanitarian ceasefire” is vital for effective aid delivery.

This development increases pressure on Israel to enhance humanitarian access and empowers the UN with a more significant role in managing aid delivery to Gaza.

The UN estimates that the conflict has displaced nearly 1.9 million people in Gaza, out of a total population of 2.4 million.

In response, Israel’s foreign minister declared that the nation would continue to scrutinize all humanitarian aid sent to Gaza for security reasons.

Daily True News

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