Biden Weighs Immigration Relief for US Citizens’ Spouses

The White House is currently exploring options to grant temporary legal status and work permits to undocumented immigrants who are married to American citizens, according to three sources familiar with the matter. This potential move could serve as a rallying point for some Democrats as the November elections draw near.

Pressure from Democratic lawmakers and advocacy groups has been mounting on President Joe Biden to take action to safeguard undocumented immigrants, especially amidst his administration’s efforts to address illegal border crossings.

Immigration has become a significant issue for voters, particularly Republicans, in the lead-up to the November 5th election, where Biden is set to face off against his Republican predecessor, Donald Trump. Trump has been critical of Biden’s perceived leniency on immigration policies, attributing it to a surge in illegal immigration.

In recent months, the White House has been considering various executive actions, including measures to curb migrant entries at the U.S.-Mexico border if illegal crossings surpass a certain threshold. However, such proposals have drawn criticism from some Democrats and advocacy groups.

One of the options under consideration is granting “parole in place” status to spouses of U.S. citizens, as per the sources familiar with internal discussions. This temporary status would enable access to work permits and potentially pave the way for citizenship. It’s important to note that no concrete actions have been decided upon at this stage.

The Wall Street Journal initially reported on these potential moves, although the White House has yet to provide an official comment on the matter.

According to data from the advocacy organization, an estimated 1.1 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. are married to American citizens. Last year, a group of 86 Democrats penned a letter to President Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, urging them to protect the spouses of U.S. citizens and establish a process for family reunification for those residing outside the country.

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