Biden’s Cannibals Story Leaves White House in the Lurch

During a recent visit to a war memorial in Scranton, Pennsylvania, President Joe Biden shared a touching tribute to his late uncle, 2nd Lt. Ambrose J. Finnegan, who perished during World War II. However, Biden’s account of his uncle’s fate, particularly the suggestion of cannibalism, has stirred controversy, prompting a closer examination of the historical records.

At the memorial, Biden reached out to touch Finnegan’s name engraved on the monument, recounting the story to an audience of steelworkers in Pittsburgh. He mentioned that his uncle’s plane went down in New Guinea, a region known for cannibalism at the time. Biden reiterated the tale to reporters, noting that while parts of the plane were recovered by the U.S. government, his uncle’s body was never found due to the presence of cannibals in the area.

However, official U.S. defense records present a different narrative. According to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, Finnegan’s plane was on a courier flight to New Guinea when it was forced to ditch in the ocean off the island’s coast for unknown reasons. Despite an aerial search, no trace of the aircraft or the missing crew members was found.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed that Finnegan lost his life in a military aircraft crash in the Pacific near New Guinea, not over land as Biden had suggested. She defended Biden’s remarks, emphasizing the emotional significance for the president to honor his uncle’s memory at the memorial.

Jean-Pierre highlighted Biden’s intention to support veterans and contrast his approach with that of former President Donald Trump, who allegedly made disparaging remarks about military personnel. Biden’s personal connection to military service, particularly through his late son Beau, further underscores the importance of honoring veterans and their sacrifices.

While historical accounts of cannibalism in Papua New Guinea, the Pacific nation occupying the eastern half of the island of New Guinea, are documented, the specific circumstances surrounding Finnegan’s death remain subject to scrutiny and interpretation.

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