Doctor Fired for Anti-Hamas Posts Sues NYU Langone

A medical professional, formerly the head of NYU Langone Health’s cancer research department, has initiated a legal case against the institution citing unjust dismissal and religious bias. This action follows his removal from the role due to sharing content critical of Hamas on his personal social media.

Dr. Benjamin Neel, a cancer biologist specializing in ovarian and breast cancer research, as well as leukemia therapies, alleges that his termination was a result of unfair treatment. The New York Times reported that Dr. Neel described himself as being used as a “sacrificial lamb” in his legal filing.

The controversy began when Dr. Neel shared several cartoons critical of Hamas, some of which depicted Arab caricatures. These posts, made on a social media platform, also questioned the reported casualty figures in Gaza following Israeli airstrikes.

The legal framework surrounding the termination of employees for their off-duty conduct varies across states. New York lawyers highlight the ambiguity of the state’s laws in such scenarios.

Dr. Neel’s case is not isolated at NYU Langone. Dr. Zaki Masoud, another doctor from the institution, was previously dismissed for an Instagram post supportive of Hamas’ actions against Israel. This incident led to significant public reaction, including an online petition with close to 90,000 signatures demanding Dr. Masoud’s reinstatement.

In his lawsuit filed in the State Supreme Court in Manhattan, Dr. Neel asserts that NYU Langone, apprehensive about the repercussions of Dr. Masoud’s dismissal, decided to dismiss him too in a bid to project impartiality.

Dr. Neel’s legal claim includes a statement from an executive vice president at NYU Langone, indicating that Dr. Neel’s social media activity complicated the justification for other terminations.

Although Dr. Neel remains a tenured professor at Langone, his dismissal from his directorial role at the Perlmutter Cancer Center has led to a substantial reduction in his salary, as noted by his lawyer, Milton Williams.

The lawsuit contends that Dr. Neel’s social media conduct was deemed an intentional violation of NYU Langone’s Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy. The hospital accused him of failing to uphold the standards expected of a physician in a leadership position, thereby damaging the institution’s reputation.

NYU Langone, in a statement about the lawsuit, emphasized the importance of adhering to their Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy, noting that Dr. Neel’s actions as a leader were contrary to these standards. The hospital stands by its decision and is prepared to defend it in court.

Dr. Neel, through his lawsuit, argues that his support for Israel is an integral part of his Jewish identity, and that his termination constitutes religious discrimination.

The case reflects a broader trend of professionals, including doctors, facing job losses over their online statements regarding the conflict. The New York Times reported similar instances, including a pediatric cardiologist from Johns Hopkins Hospital placed on leave and an emergency room doctor at Lenox Hill Hospital who was dismissed for their respective online comments.

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