Family of Beach Boys Wilson Legend Seeks Conservatorship

The family of Brian Wilson, the iconic Beach Boys musician, is moving forward with a conservatorship arrangement following his wife’s recent passing.

Documents reviewed by People magazine reveal that Wilson, aged 81, is grappling with a significant neurocognitive disorder, potentially dementia.

In light of Melinda Wilson’s death, Brian’s family, including his seven children, Gloria Ramos (Wilson’s caregiver), and his medical team, have decided to appoint LeeAnn Hard and Jean Sievers as co-conservators. This decision, as shared in a statement to People, aims to maintain stability in Brian’s household and ensure the well-being of Brian and his children, who will continue to live at home under the care of Ramos and the dedicated team that has supported the family for years. Ramos is known to be Wilson’s housekeeper.

The family emphasized that Brian Wilson remains capable of enjoying time with family and friends, engaging in ongoing projects, and participating in activities at his discretion.

Melinda Wilson, who passed away on January 30 at the age of 77, played a crucial role in attending to Brian’s everyday needs, as he is unable to independently manage his personal care, nutrition, clothing, or housing.

Brian had previously designated Melinda as his healthcare agent in an Advanced Health Care Directive. However, her passing left a vacancy in this role, leading Brian’s team to seek a court-appointed conservatorship.

Hard and Sievers were chosen for their longstanding relationship and trust with both Brian and Melinda Wilson. Notably, Hard also holds the position of Wilson’s power of attorney agent.

Their primary goal as co-conservators is to fulfill all of Wilson’s daily needs and ensure he receives the best care while staying in his familiar home environment.

The court filings indicate that Wilson would not be fit to attend a court hearing due to his condition. His doctor described him as easily distracted, prone to making spontaneous and irrelevant comments and having a very short attention span. Despite these challenges, Wilson is on medication aimed at slowing the progression of his illness.

A court hearing to discuss the conservatorship is scheduled for April 26, as per the legal documents.

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