Father Murray: Lonely Christmas? ‘Go to Jesus’

Father Gerald Murray, the pastor of the Church of the Holy Family, encouraging those feeling lonely during this Christmas season to turn to Jesus for solace and companionship.

He likened the experience to that of the shepherds who received a message from an angel while in the fields, guiding them to see the infant Christ. Father Murray emphasized the power of prayer, which connects individuals to God and transcends all boundaries. He stated that through prayer, believers unite with one another in what is known as the Communion of the Saints, receiving abundant graces from God.

Father Murray also noted that Christmas is a time for gifts, and one of the gifts from God is the strength to bear life’s difficulties and burdens. He encouraged the lonely to take inspiration from Joseph and Mary’s journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, suggesting that reaching out to neighbors and friends can lead to companionship, with the assurance that the Lord is by their side.

Additionally, Father Leo Patalinghug, the founder of Plating Grace, addressed the challenges facing Christianity today, emphasizing that Christians often face persecution due to their faith, just as Jesus Christ did. He encouraged people to develop compassion and serve those who carry heavier burdens, as mentioned by Father Murray.

Father Patalinghug explained that reaching out to those in need can help alleviate feelings of loneliness, as it fosters a sense of unity within God’s family. He encouraged individuals not to fear suffering and to embrace the opportunity to serve others.

In closing, both priests emphasized the message of Christmas, which is centered around the gift of Jesus Christ. They highlighted the importance of love, gratitude, and the reminder that all are vulnerable and in need of God’s help. Christmas, they concluded, serves as a poignant reminder of the ultimate gift for which we should be thankful – Jesus Christ, who embodies love and unity.

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