Franklin Graham: MTG Should Support Mike Johnson, ‘Best Speaker’

Rev. Franklin Graham urged Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., to reconsider her plan to file a motion against Speaker Mike Johnson next week during a press conference outside the Capitol.

Taking to social media, Graham defended Johnson, praising him as potentially “the best Speaker we’ve had in this country for decades.” He emphasized Johnson’s faith and dedication, urging Greene to support him rather than oppose him.

“I’ve not personally met Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, but she’s an interesting person and seems to be fearless. However, if she’s not careful, she will weaken the Republican Party,” Graham wrote. “She has called for a motion to vacate Speaker of the House Mike Johnson next week. @SpeakerJohnson is a good man and I thank God for him. I believe he may be the best Speaker we’ve had in this country for decades. He loves God and isn’t afraid to ask Him for wisdom. She needs to support him, not fight against him. @RepMTG, I hope you will reconsider this action.”

Greene criticized Johnson for allegedly supporting legislation favorable to the Biden administration since assuming the speakership, particularly highlighting his backing of a foreign aid package before addressing border security concerns.

In contrast, Graham lauded Johnson’s decision-making process, particularly regarding assistance to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. He commended Johnson’s reliance on prayer, citing a report from CNN about Johnson seeking divine wisdom before making crucial decisions.

“Even CNN reported how Speaker of the House Mike Johnson came to his important decision about the funding bill for Israel and Ukraine—He prayed! Getting on our knees and asking God for His help and wisdom is always the right thing! @SpeakerJohnson,” Graham shared on social media.

Earlier, Graham had expressed support for Johnson, acknowledging the challenges he faces in his role and encouraging prayers for him. Despite the criticism Johnson may face, Graham emphasized Johnson’s efforts to serve the country to the best of his abilities.

“Speaker of the House @SpeakerJohnson has a hard job and not everyone is going to like every decision he makes,” Graham wrote. “There are some people in Washington who just want to eat his lunch. He’s trying to do the best job he can for our country. I like this guy—we need to pray for him.”

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