Gallup Poll: Biden Approval Falls to 38%

The most recent Gallup poll indicates that President Joe Biden’s popularity has dipped to 38%, just one point above his lowest-ever rating, amidst various pressing concerns. This decline of 3 points from the previous month and 4 points since August contrasts with his earlier 42% approval. Particularly notable were his lowest approval points in October and November at 37%. The current dip aligns with a decrease among independents, where only 32% express approval, down 3 points from January. However, Biden’s approval among Democrats remains robust at 82%, albeit lower than the 98% seen in February 2021.

Comparing post-World War II presidents elected to their first term, Biden’s three-year average approval of 39.8% ranks as one of the lowest, per Gallup’s data. Specific areas impacting his ratings include immigration, with only 28% approval, and his handling of the Middle East crisis, earning just 30% approval. Additionally, his performance in foreign affairs and the economy garners 33% and 36% approval, respectively. On a positive note, his economic management approval has increased by 4 points since November, reflecting favorable unemployment rates and stock market performance. Biden’s highest approval stands at 40% regarding Ukraine, though there’s been a noticeable decline in Democratic support for his policies in Ukraine, the Middle East, and immigration.

Independent voters’ approval rates are particularly low for his Middle East policies (23%) and slightly better for Ukraine (34%). Despite stable Democratic support, Biden’s declining ratings in key policy areas suggest a need for strategic improvements to bolster his standing with independents and within his party as he eyes a second term.

This Gallup poll, conducted from February 1-20, surveyed 1,016 adults, featuring a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points at a 95% confidence level.

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