Gallup Poll: Immigration Remains Top Issue for Voters

According to a recent Gallup poll released on Tuesday, immigration has once again emerged as the top concern among Americans for the third consecutive month, surpassing worries about the economy and the government.

When respondents were asked about the most critical issue facing the country, immigration took the lead, with 27% of participants citing it as the primary concern. This marked a significant margin over other issues:

  • 18% expressed concerns about the government.
  • 17% highlighted the general state of the economy.
  • 13% were worried about inflation.

Gallup’s findings revealed that immigration has consistently held the top spot on the list of pressing issues facing the U.S. for the past three months, with March and February also seeing immigration as the predominant concern. This trend marks the first time in Gallup’s polling history that immigration has maintained its lead for multiple consecutive months since 2019.

Moreover, the poll underscored a stark partisan divide in perceptions of the immigration issue:

  • 48% of Republicans identified immigration as the most significant problem.
  • 25% of independents shared the same concern.
  • Only 8% of Democrats regarded immigration as the primary issue.

The Gallup survey was conducted from April 1 to April 22, 2024, and involved 1,001 adults from across the country. The margin of error for the poll is estimated to be plus or minus 4 percentage points.

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