Ginsburg Family: Award for Musk Is ‘an Affront’ to RBG

The relatives of the esteemed late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg have voiced their disapproval regarding this year’s recipients of a women’s leadership award that bears her name. On Friday, the Ginsburg family publicly criticized the Dwight D. Opperman Foundation’s choice to honor individuals such as tech mogul Elon Musk and media tycoon Rupert Murdoch with the “Ruth Bader Ginsburg Leadership Award,” a move they consider disrespectful to their beloved family member’s legacy.

As reported by The Washington Post, the award’s list of honorees also includes Hollywood star Sylvester Stallone, financier Michael Milken, and domestic diva Martha Stewart. Although the family did not single out any honoree for criticism, they expressed concern that the foundation’s selections diverge significantly from the award’s intended purpose and the values Justice Ginsburg championed.

In their statement, the family emphasized Ginsburg’s unwavering dedication to justice and equality, particularly her advocacy for women’s rights and their autonomy over their bodies. They regard the award’s current direction as misaligned with her lifelong commitment to ensuring all individuals receive equitable treatment under the law.

Trevor Morrison, a former clerk for Justice Ginsburg and past dean of the New York University School of Law, also shared his reservations with the Washington Post. He communicated his concerns to foundation Chair Julie Opperman, highlighting the apparent disconnect between the honorees’ actions and the principles that Justice Ginsburg revered.

Initially established with Ginsburg’s blessing in 2019 by the foundation led by Dwight Opperman’s family, the award was conceived to honor women who have made significant societal contributions and exemplify integrity and leadership. The Ginsburg family, who were not involved in this year’s selection process, sees the justice’s 91st birthday as an ideal moment for the foundation to realign the award with its original intent.

The Dwight D. Opperman Foundation, when approached for comment by the Washington Post, did not respond to the controversy surrounding the award.

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