Gold Star Father: Charges Not Dropped Over SOTU Incident

Steve Nikoui, a gold star father, faced arrest after vocally interrupting President Joe Biden’s recent State of the Union speech, has confirmed that legal actions against him persist. Nikoui maintains his stance, blaming President Biden entirely for the circumstances leading to his son’s death amid the chaotic evacuation from Afghanistan.

Nikoui recounted his extensive efforts to honor his son during the address, highlighting his journey and expenses to ensure his voice was heard at the event. He told The Daily Mail that his primary objective, along with other gold star families, was to see the Biden administration acknowledge its role in the flawed Afghanistan exit strategy.

His son, Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui was tragically killed in a suicide attack at Kabul’s airport during the August 2021 evacuation, an incident President Biden has yet to address publicly, according to Steve Nikoui.

During the address, Nikoui’s outcry, referencing “Abbey Gate” and the “Second Battalion, First Marines,” interrupted the proceedings, leading to his removal. He expressed deep disappointment that Biden acknowledged a different tragedy during the speech but failed to mention the service members lost in Afghanistan.

Nikoui, charged with misdemeanors related to disrupting Congress, remains resolute in his convictions, driven by a profound sense of duty to his son’s memory. He is scheduled for a court appearance on March 28.

Representative Brian Mast, who facilitated Nikoui’s attendance at the speech, condemned the handling of Nikoui’s protest, emphasizing the compounded tragedies the Nikoui family has endured, including the loss of another son to suicide. Mast criticized the charge against Nikoui as unjust.

Similarly, Representative Mike Waltz criticized the arrest as disgraceful and echoed the sentiment that President Biden has not adequately acknowledged the service members who died during the Kabul airport evacuation.

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