Hassan-Nahoum: Hamas Refuses to Give Proof of Life

Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum explained on Monday that Hamas is the party showing resistance to the terms of the proposed cease-fire by failing to fulfill Israel’s requests.

“While there is an expectation of releasing Palestinian prisoners, it’s Hamas who is currently not meeting Israel’s demands regarding the hostages to be released. They have refused to provide proof of life and denied medical assistance to our hostages,” she stated.

Earlier in the day, the White House urged Hamas to agree to the terms of a temporary cease-fire in Gaza, which includes a six-week pause in the fighting and an exchange for the release of some of the sick, elderly, and wounded hostages abducted by Hamas during their attack on southern Israel on Oct. 7.

“So, we are dealing with an adversary who, unfortunately, disregards any established norms or rules,” concluded Hassan-Nahoum.

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