Hassan-Nahoum: US Gut Punched Israel at UN

Jerusalem’s Deputy Mayor, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, emphasized the significance of diplomatic support from the United States for Israel, stating that it outweighs mere military aid. She expressed disappointment over the recent U.S. decision to abstain from vetoing a U.N. resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. Speaking on “The Record With Greta Van Susteren,” Hassan-Nahoum stressed the importance of U.S. diplomatic coverage for Israel at the United Nations, especially in the face of biased resolutions.

Regarding the recent airstrike that killed Iranian Gen. Mohammad Reza Zahedi, Hassan-Nahoum acknowledged Israel’s heightened state of alertness but suggested that Iran is more inclined towards saber-rattling than engaging in a full-scale war. She highlighted the reluctance of Iranians to support a war against Israel, given their desire for liberation. Despite threats of retaliation from Iran, Hassan-Nahoum suggested that any potential attacks may not escalate into a larger conflict.

Iranian state TV reported discussions within Iran’s Supreme National Security Council regarding a response to Zahedi’s death and that of his deputy. However, Hassan-Nahoum indicated that while Iran may threaten military action, the likelihood of a significant escalation leading to a full-scale war remains uncertain. She emphasized the reluctance of allies, including the U.S., to become embroiled in a broader conflict, suggesting that a large-scale war involving Iran would be undesirable for all parties involved.

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