Heritage Action Opposes ‘Tone Deaf’ Spending Bill

The bipartisan six-bill minibus spending package, unveiled by congressional leaders on Sunday to fully fund several federal agencies, including Veterans Affairs, Agriculture, Transportation, and Justice, faced criticism from conservative group Heritage Action, which issued a “key vote” of no on Tuesday.

With a looming deadline to avoid a partial shutdown at 12:01 a.m. Saturday, the bill must pass both chambers and get signed this week. However, Heritage Action expressed disappointment with the package, calling it “tone deaf” and insufficient for the current economic climate.

According to Taxpayers for Common Sense, the package contains over 6,000 earmarks, a point of contention for Heritage and congressional conservatives. Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., reportedly requested $116 million worth of earmarks, drawing criticism from conservative quarters.

Heritage Action’s Executive Vice President Ryan Walker emphasized the need for significant budget cuts and criticized the inclusion of earmarks, labeling them as “tone-deaf” and indicative of budgetary mismanagement. The group highlighted the failure to address border security concerns and expressed frustration with what they perceive as budgetary gimmicks.

By issuing a “key vote,” Heritage Action signaled that lawmakers’ voting decisions would affect their Heritage Action scorecard. Sen. Thune’s score of 40% on the scorecard was noted in this context.

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., also denounced the spending package, particularly targeting Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s proposed environmental justice center, which Scott deemed wasteful.

Meanwhile, House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., voiced support for the minibus, citing conservative policy victories and cuts to programs aligned with President Biden’s agenda.

As the deadline approaches, the debate over the spending package intensifies, reflecting broader ideological divisions within Congress over fiscal policy and government spending priorities.

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