IAF’s Alarming Scheme Destroys This

The Israeli Air Force carried out a targeted strike on a launch site in Jabalia, from which rockets were being launched towards Sderot in the western Negev. This site was among several in the Gaza Strip that Israeli forces attacked in the last 24 hours.

During an overnight operation, Israeli military personnel raided a Hamas stronghold, discovering a substantial cache of 250 rockets, shells, rocket-propelled grenades, and other military gear. They also targeted a weapons manufacturing facility, seizing numerous grenades, rockets, and M72 LAW rockets (light anti-tank weapons).

Israeli naval forces were also active, engaging a terrorist group in the Gaza Strip that was attacking ground forces.

On Tuesday morning, communities near the Gaza border experienced siren alerts.

Since Hamas initiated hostilities against Israel on October 7, Palestinian militants have launched over 11,500 rockets at the country. On the day the conflict began, thousands of rockets were fired into Israel, and heavily armed militants crossed the border, resulting in 1,200 deaths, over 5,000 injuries, and the abduction of 240 people to Gaza.

The IDF recently announced the death of another soldier in the Gaza conflict. Maj. Tzvika Lavi, 30, from Eli, a member of the 699th Battalion of the 551st Brigade, was critically wounded in northern Gaza on November 20 and succumbed to his injuries on Monday.

Since the beginning of the IDF’s ground operation in Gaza on October 27, at least 107 soldiers have been killed, with the total number of Israeli military fatalities since the start of the war reaching 434.

Daily True News

Daily True News

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