Ipsos Poll: Trump Leads Biden by 3 Points After Damning Hur Report

President Joe Biden and his primary Republican rival, Donald Trump, are neck and neck in a closely contested election rematch, according to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll. The poll, conducted over four days and concluded on Monday, revealed that former President Trump garnered the support of 37% of respondents, while Biden trailed closely behind with 34% support. The poll’s margin of error stood at 2.9 percentage points.

Among the surveyed individuals, 10% expressed their intention to vote for alternative candidates, while 12% stated they would not cast their votes. Additionally, 8% declined to provide an answer. The nationwide poll, conducted online, gathered responses from 1,237 adults across the United States.

The poll coincided with the release of a report by special counsel Robert Hur, which refrained from pressing charges against Biden for handling classified documents upon leaving the vice presidency in 2017. However, the report characterized Biden as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” a description vehemently contested by the White House.

Compared to a previous poll conducted last month, which indicated a 6-percentage-point lead for Trump, the recent findings suggest a tighter race between the two contenders.

One notable challenge facing Trump in the upcoming election is the ongoing legal proceedings against him. A quarter of self-identified Republicans and approximately half of independent respondents stated they would not vote for Trump if he were convicted of a felony by a jury.

It’s important to note that a nationwide survey may not fully capture the dynamics of the electoral college contest, which ultimately determines the presidential election outcome and revolves around a few pivotal swing states.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll sampled 1,237 adults in the United States between February 9th and 12th, with a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points in either direction.

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