Is This the End for Biden?

Sen. Markwayne Mullin stressed the importance of presenting a compelling and airtight case to the Senate for the potential impeachment of President Joe Biden. Speaking on Newsmax’s “Wake Up America,” the Oklahoma Republican explained that the threshold for impeachability is quite high, even if five moderate Democrats, whose identities he chose not to disclose, are open to conviction if a “convictable offense” is substantiated.

Mullin acknowledged that senators have diverse constituencies, covering both blue and red areas within their states. He noted that moderate-leaning senators would consider a solid case sent by the House, which clearly establishes the president’s wrongdoing in terms of breaking the law, treason, misdemeanors, or high crimes.

The senator emphasized the need for a robust case to sway those senators who are willing to convict Biden, as they require substantial evidence before casting their votes. Mullin underscored that the House’s inquiry is essential to access records that have not been provided by the White House and the Biden family.

Regarding the changing claims made by the White House and Biden’s family in response to the investigations, Mullin highlighted the need for clarity and transparency. He pointed out that requests for information from the White House concerning President Biden have been met with resistance from the Department of Justice, under the administration of President Biden.

Mullin clarified that the House must present a “convictable” case, bearing in mind the high bar for impeachment. Alleged acts involving misdemeanors, high crimes, or treason must be proven to have occurred during Biden’s presidency, rather than during his time as vice president or as a private citizen. He emphasized that if President Biden utilized his office to benefit himself or gain favor with other countries while receiving payments, it would constitute an impeachable offense deserving of conviction.

Daily True News

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