Israel Strikes Massive Tunnel Network

Israeli military forces have reported the destruction of a network of tunnels located beneath and around a hospital and girls’ school in Gaza City. These tunnels, which extended for several kilometers, were found passing beneath Rantisi Hospital and the nearby Ramaz Fahrah School. A special elevator was even installed within the girls’ school, descending 20 meters down to one of the tunnel shafts.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) stated that the exposure of these tunnels underscores Hamas’ use of civilian areas for military purposes, including hospitals and schools, which is seen as a cynical use of the civilian population. The tunnel network not only served for transportation but also as a command and control center for combat operations and launching points for terrorist attacks.

Following intelligence information, Israeli forces discovered another operational shaft inside a hideout residence used by a Hamas naval unit commander in the Gaza Strip. This section of the tunnel included protective measures like junctions and blast doors.

Combat engineers from the elite Yahalom Unit, in cooperation with the 14th (Reserve) Armored Brigade, successfully demolished the entire tunnel network. The IDF has released video footage of the tunnels and their demolition, along with a map showing their path beneath the hospital and school.

Additionally, during raids in the vicinity of Rantisi Hospital, further Hamas infrastructure was discovered, including command and control centers, media equipment, maps, aid materials, and various weapons.

It is important to note that this operation took place in the context of ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, and the situation remains dynamic.

Daily True News

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