Israel Targets Tunnels – Hamas At Risk

The Israeli government is reportedly contemplating a strategy to flood the tunnel network of Hamas beneath the Gaza Strip with seawater, as per a report by The Wall Street Journal, citing sources from the U.S. This initiative, disclosed to the Biden administration in early November, involves the utilization of large seawater pumps near Gaza’s northern coastline, capable of moving vast volumes of water from the Mediterranean Sea into the tunnels.

These pumps, completed around mid-November, are situated about a mile north of the Al-Shati Camp along the coast of northern Gaza. The discussions between Israel and the U.S. have revolved around the feasibility of this operation and its potential environmental repercussions, particularly concerning the water supply of the Gaza Strip. The reaction from Washington to this plan has been varied, with some officials in support and others voicing private concerns, but no outright opposition from the U.S.

The status of Israel’s decision to implement this plan remains uncertain, with U.S. officials unclear about how imminent the operation might be.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have, during their ground operations in Gaza which commenced on October 27, identified approximately 800 tunnels, successfully destroying or sealing around 500 of them. Additionally, they have obliterated numerous miles of tunnel networks, including the access shafts.

During the conflict on October 7, Hamas is reported to have taken over 200 individuals hostage, with 137 still in captivity. An individual knowledgeable about Israel’s flooding strategy mentioned that the gradual inundation process could potentially allow time for both the Hamas militants and the hostages to evacuate.

However, there is uncertainty about the effectiveness of this seawater pumping method, given the lack of detailed knowledge about the tunnel structures and the surrounding terrain. This unpredictability is a significant factor in evaluating the success of such an operation.

The Wall Street Journal sought comments from an IDF official regarding this report, but the official refrained from discussing specifics, only stating that the IDF is actively working to counter Hamas’ terror activities using a variety of military and technological methods.

Daily True News

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