Israel Warns of Retaliation if Iran Attacks

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz issued a stern warning on Tuesday, stating that Israel would retaliate if Iran launches a direct attack against it.

In a tweet, Katz emphasized, “If Iran initiates an attack from its territory, Israel will respond with an attack on Iran.” The minister directly addressed Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in the post.

Reports from the London-based newspaper Elaph on Monday suggested that Israel is prepared to strike targets within Iran if the Islamic Republic retaliates for the targeted killing of an Iranian general in Syria on April 1, an incident Tehran has attributed to Israel.

According to a Western security official cited by the Arabic-language paper, Israel has been conducting covert air force training exercises in recent days. These exercises involve long-distance flights and simulated strikes on sensitive sites within Iran, potentially linked to the country’s nuclear program.

Despite threats of retaliation, senior sources within the Iranian regime informed Reuters on April 4 that Tehran would deliver a “serious response” to the killing of its high-ranking commander. However, they hinted at a desire to avoid direct confrontation with Israel and the United States.

While Israel has not officially claimed responsibility for the Damascus attack that resulted in the death of Brig. Gen. Mohammad Zahedi, four officials disclosed to The New York Times that Jerusalem had ordered the strike.

In a concerning development, an adviser to Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reportedly declared on Sunday that Israeli embassies are no longer secure, as per Iran’s semi-official Tasnim News Agency.

U.S. intelligence sources, as reported by CBS News on April 5, suggested that a potential Iranian retaliatory attack could involve a combination of Shahed loitering drones and cruise missiles.

Heightened security measures are evident, with several Israeli embassies worldwide temporarily shuttered, diplomats recalled, and officials advised against visiting consular buildings for fear of potential Iranian attacks.

Addressing the escalating tensions, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant asserted on Sunday that Israel remains prepared for any contingency arising from a threatened Iranian response.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has been placed on high alert, resulting in the cancellation of weekend leaves for combat soldiers and the mobilization of additional reserve soldiers to reinforce the IDF Aerial Defense Array.

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