Joe Rogan: Dems Will Pull Biden in May

Podcaster Joe Rogan recently shared his speculation that the Democratic Party might remove Joe Biden from its presidential ticket as early as next month, citing concerns about his health. Rogan discussed this possibility during a conversation with comedian Andrew Schulz on a recent episode of the “Joe Rogan Experience.”

Rogan suggested that Biden might be replaced by California Governor Gavin Newsom due to perceived health issues. “I think he’s got until May,” Rogan said, indicating a timeline for Biden’s potential removal. “I feel like right around May, they’re going to pull him.”

Schulz chimed in, suggesting that Newsom could be the replacement candidate. Rogan agreed, expressing his belief that Biden’s health problems would become evident to the country by then, paving the way for Newsom’s candidacy with full support from the Democratic Party.

Rogan further speculated that Vice President Kamala Harris would remain in her current role, stating, “I don’t even want to be president, I’m cool with being vice president.” This led to discussion about Newsom potentially running alongside Harris on the Democratic ticket.

The notion of Biden being replaced or stepping down before the election is not unique to Rogan. Many Republicans, including former President Donald Trump, have also suggested the possibility. Trump himself has publicly doubted whether Biden will remain in the race until November.

During the podcast, Rogan and Schulz also criticized Biden, portraying him as a “puppet” of the Democratic Party who often takes the blame for various issues but quickly forgets about them afterward. Rogan characterized Biden as someone who is easily blamed due to his perceived lack of awareness and understanding of certain matters.

Overall, Rogan’s speculation about Biden’s potential removal from the Democratic ticket adds to the ongoing political discourse surrounding the upcoming presidential election.

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