Judge Napolitano: US Not Democracy if Colorado Trump Ruling Stands

Judge Andrew Napolitano emphasized the urgent need for the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a decision by the Colorado Supreme Court regarding Donald Trump’s eligibility for the state’s Republican presidential primary in March. He warned that if the ruling stands, it could set a precedent leading to a decline in democratic principles across the country.

Napolitano, a former New Jersey Superior Court judge, critiqued the Colorado ruling during his appearance on “Wake Up America,” arguing that judicial intervention should not overshadow the role of voters in the democratic process.

The Colorado Supreme Court’s decision, passed with a 4-3 vote by judges all appointed by Democrats, marks an unprecedented move in barring Trump from the presidential race. The ruling hinges on a seldom-invoked clause in the U.S. Constitution that disqualifies officials involved in “insurrection or rebellion” from holding office.

However, Napolitano highlighted that Trump has neither been charged nor convicted of participating in or supporting an insurrection, referring to the lack of such charges in the January 6 allegations.

He further cautioned that if this ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court is not reviewed and reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court, it could spell the end of Trump’s political aspirations. Other states might follow Colorado’s lead, a scenario Napolitano believes would be detrimental to democracy.

Expressing confidence that the U.S. Supreme Court will address the issue imminently, especially with the Colorado primary ballots soon to be printed, Napolitano underscored the critical nature of the situation. He also referenced a trial in Colorado where a judge concluded that Trump did indeed incite and participate in the insurrection on January 6, a decision upheld by the Colorado Supreme Court.

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