Lawyer Schoen: Judge Merchan Violating N.Y. Law, Must Recuse

Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan, overseeing the case involving former President Donald Trump’s business records, faces calls for recusal due to his daughter’s involvement in political fundraising, according to attorney David Schoen, who represented Trump during his second impeachment trial.

Schoen contends that Merchan’s recusal is mandatory under New York law, citing a provision requiring judges to step down if a relative’s interests could significantly influence proceedings. He emphasized that there is a clear conflict of interest, pointing to reports that Merchan’s daughter, Loren Merchan, is involved in political fundraising activities.

Loren Merchan serves as president and partner at Authentic Campaigns, a firm that has worked with several Democratic clients, including President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign and Vice President Kamala Harris’ White House bid. The company has also been associated with the pro-Democrat super PAC Senate Majority PAC and continues to work with Rep. Adam Schiff’s Senate campaign.

Schoen raised concerns about the jury selection process in the Trump trial, questioning the expeditious pace and the handling of potential jurors with apparent biases. He alleged that Merchan retained jurors who should have been dismissed for cause, citing social media posts indicating bias against Trump.

Schoen expressed hope that at least one impartial juror would recognize the trial’s political nature and object to it.

Should Trump be convicted, Schoen anticipates appealing the case to the appellate division court, where he plans to raise legal issues, including the validity of the indictment. He argued that the indictment lacks specificity regarding the alleged crime, as the grand jury failed to specify the target offense, leaving Trump uncertain about the charges he faces.

Schoen highlighted the significance of knowing the precise allegations to mount an effective defense, pointing out the different defenses required for tax-related offenses versus election-related crimes. He also raised concerns about potential double jeopardy implications, emphasizing the importance of addressing these issues for the sake of justice.

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