Letter Containing White Powder Sent to Don Jr.’s Home

Emergency responders were called to Donald Trump Jr.’s Florida residence on Monday after a letter containing an unknown white substance was discovered. Trump Jr., the eldest son of former President Donald Trump, reportedly received the letter along with a death threat. Although initial tests on the substance yielded inconclusive results, officials have indicated that it does not appear to be lethal. The incident was first reported by The Daily Beast, with details confirmed by an anonymous source.

The letter was opened by Trump Jr. in his home office, prompting the dispatch of emergency responders clad in hazmat suits. Jupiter police stated that the investigation is being managed by the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office, though no further information has been provided at this time.

As a prominent figure in his father’s political endeavors, Trump Jr. frequently serves as a campaign surrogate, participating in events and media appearances on behalf of the GOP.

This is not the first time Trump Jr. has been targeted with such threats. In 2018, his then-wife, Vanessa, was hospitalized in New York City after opening an envelope addressed to her husband containing a similar white substance. However, authorities later confirmed it was not hazardous. Additionally, in March 2016, a threatening letter containing white powder was sent to the Manhattan apartment of Trump Jr.’s brother, Eric, though it was determined to be harmless after investigation.

The incident underscores the persistent threat of hoax attacks involving white powder, which evoke memories of the deadly anthrax mailings in 2001 that claimed five lives. In 2016, envelopes containing white powder were also sent to Trump Tower, the headquarters of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

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