Magician: Dem Operative Paid for Fake Biden Robocall

A magician from New Orleans has reported that he was compensated by a Democratic consultant to generate a deceptive robocall mimicking President Joe Biden, encouraging Democrats in New Hampshire to abstain from voting in the state’s primary, according to NBC News. The magician, Paul Carpenter, stated he was recruited by consultant Steve Kramer, associated with Democrat Dean Phillips’s presidential campaign, to produce the call using AI technology that replicated Biden’s voice.

Carpenter acknowledged creating the robocall’s audio but denied distributing it. He portrayed the task as a straightforward job for which he received payment, unaware of the call’s intended use. Despite his transient lifestyle, currently based in New Orleans, Carpenter revealed the simplicity and low cost of generating such fake content, underscoring the potential for misuse of AI technology.

The situation has sparked a broad investigation by law enforcement into potential violations of voter suppression and telecommunications laws. Carpenter and Kramer have yet to be identified as formal investigation targets. Carpenter disclosed a modest fee for his work, contrasting with significant payments Kramer’s firm received from the Phillips campaign for ballot access services.

The Phillips campaign vehemently distanced itself from the robocall, suggesting potential legal action against Kramer if his involvement is verified. The incident has drawn national attention, with calls for a Department of Justice inquiry into the matter, highlighting concerns about the use of AI in fabricating misleading political communications and its implications for democratic processes.

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