Mark Morgan: Biden’s Border Situation a ‘Joke

Despite the array of incentives offered to immigrants entering the United States, it remains a criminal offense to cross the border anywhere except at designated ports of entry. However, former acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan asserted that the border situation has become a “joke” under President Joe Biden.

During an interview on a recent broadcast of “Sunday Agenda,” Morgan highlighted an incident in El Paso where immigrants defied orders from U.S. military personnel, resulting in physical altercations. He emphasized that each individual involved in such incidents should face charges, convictions, and subsequent deportation from the United States.

Under Biden’s leadership, Morgan expressed concern about the unprecedented levels of chaos and lawlessness at the border. He criticized Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for allowing large numbers of migrants to enter the United States, suggesting that López Obrador’s recent actions to address the situation are merely a superficial attempt to maintain favorable relations with the Biden administration.

Morgan accused López Obrador of attempting to leverage the border situation to influence U.S. policies, referring to it as a form of extortion. He argued that the root cause of the border chaos lies in policy decisions rather than funding issues, dismissing the notion that increased funding for border security would address Biden’s open-border policies.

According to Morgan, recent funding bills including provisions for border security would not alter the trajectory of Biden’s policies but would only facilitate the processing and release of individuals entering the country unlawfully. He criticized Biden and the Democratic Party for shifting blame onto Republicans for the border standoff, asserting that Democrats are the ones responsible for perpetuating the issue.

Morgan recalled the passage of HR 2, which he described as the most robust border security legislation in recent memory, emphasizing that it languished in the Senate under Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. He claimed that even if the bill had reached Biden’s desk, the president had indicated he would not sign it, suggesting that Democrats have a vested interest in maintaining the border crisis for political purposes.

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