Matthew Whitaker: Haley Campaign Is ‘Slow Motion Car Wreck’

Former Acting U.S. Attorney General Matthew Whitaker criticized Nikki Haley’s decision to continue her pursuit of the Republican presidential nomination.

Whitaker described her speech as “incredible” but suggested it was a diversion tactic. He asserted that Haley’s intention was to garner attention for her candidacy with her typical list of reasons why she believes she could be the nominee, despite the unlikelihood of her success.

Whitaker expressed skepticism about Haley’s chances, stating that she is likely to lose key states like South Carolina and Michigan, as well as most states on Super Tuesday. He predicted that Donald Trump would secure the necessary number of delegates to win the nomination within a few weeks, rendering Haley’s efforts futile.

Describing Haley’s candidacy as a “kamikaze effort,” Whitaker questioned her loyalty to the Republican Party, suggesting she might be a “sleeper cell” within the party. He warned that Haley’s campaign could serve as a distraction for Republicans and provide Democrats with opportunities to attack Trump from within his own party.

According to Whitaker, Haley’s candidacy is akin to a “slow-motion car wreck,” and he believes she is approaching the end of her political viability.

In response to Haley’s claim that some Republicans publicly support Trump but secretly oppose him, Whitaker asserted that ordinary Americans overwhelmingly support Trump because they believe he fights for their interests and values.

Overall, Whitaker’s remarks underscore his skepticism about Haley’s candidacy and his belief that Trump remains the preferred choice for many Republican voters.

Daily True News

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