Mike Huckabee: Trump Trial ‘Stinks to High Heaven’

Former Arkansas Republican Governor Mike Huckabee voiced his perspective on Tuesday regarding former President Donald Trump’s ongoing legal battle in New York City, labeling it as a Democratic maneuver to exploit governmental resources against a political adversary.

In an interview on “Wake Up America,” Huckabee highlighted Trump’s enduring dominance in the media spotlight despite no longer holding office, contrasting it with the relatively scant coverage of President Biden’s public engagements.

“Trump possesses this remarkable knack for seizing control of the news narrative, regardless of the prevailing circumstances,” Huckabee remarked. “In contrast, Joe Biden’s public appearances often escape significant attention from major media outlets.”

Regarding Biden’s recent Earth Day address on Monday, Huckabee dismissed it as lacking in newsworthiness. “There’s little to report aside from Biden’s struggles to articulate his thoughts, often requiring assistance,” he commented. “There’s simply limited substance to dissect in Biden’s public appearances, much to the chagrin of his staff.”

Huckabee elaborated, asserting that Trump’s daily activities offer a constant stream of intrigue, generating fresh headlines regularly. “Every day with Trump is an unfolding saga, replete with new developments that capture public interest,” he observed.

Turning to Trump’s ongoing legal proceedings, particularly the trial concerning alleged payments to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, Huckabee suggested that many observers remain skeptical of the former president’s culpability. He insinuated that the legal challenges might inadvertently bolster Trump’s support among voters.

“A significant portion of the populace is closely monitoring the trial in New York, questioning the legitimacy of the charges against Trump,” Huckabee remarked. “In contrast, Hillary Clinton evaded significant consequences despite her involvement in the dubious Steele dossier and the Russia investigation debacle.”

Huckabee continued, casting doubt on the trial’s basis and framing it as a politically motivated assault orchestrated by the current administration. “Trump finds himself ensnared in a legal quagmire concocted by his adversaries, a blatant abuse of governmental machinery,” he concluded, decrying the perceived injustice of the situation.

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