Netanyahu: Israel Will Not Agree to a Cease-Fire ‘At Any Price’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed his stance on Tuesday, refusing to yield to international pressure calling for an immediate cease-fire in the conflict with Hamas.

Addressing the IDF Sky Rider Unit at the Zikim Base along the Gaza Strip border, Netanyahu emphasized Israel’s determination to achieve its objectives in the ongoing war. He expressed reluctance to capitulate to demands for a premature end to the conflict, particularly under terms he deemed unfavorable to Israel.

“While there is significant pressure both domestically and internationally to halt the war before accomplishing all our objectives, including potentially agreeing to unreasonable terms for the release of hostages, we remain resolute,” Netanyahu stated during his visit.

“We are eager to secure the safe return of hostages, and we are willing to explore various avenues to achieve this goal. However, we will not entertain impractical demands from Hamas that undermine the security and sovereignty of Israel,” he added firmly.

Netanyahu reiterated Israel’s commitment to pursuing the conflict until all goals are met, which include dismantling Hamas, securing the release of all hostages, and ensuring long-term security along the Gaza border.

“No amount of pressure, external or internal, will alter our course,” Netanyahu affirmed.

During his visit, Netanyahu received a briefing on the unit’s operations and had the opportunity to operate a drone used for surveillance over Gaza.

In a televised address to the nation over the weekend, Netanyahu criticized calls for halting military operations before addressing the situation in Rafah, the southernmost city in Gaza.

“Let me be clear: Israel will continue its fight until we achieve unequivocal victory. This includes operations in Rafah, following the safe evacuation of civilians from combat zones,” Netanyahu asserted.

He condemned any attempt to prevent Israeli action in Rafah, emphasizing Israel’s determination to prevail against Hamas.

“I will not yield to pressure. Israel will stand firm because we are a resilient people, committed to life and liberty. We will prevail over evil,” he declared.

Netanyahu’s remarks followed U.S. President Joe Biden’s call for a temporary cease-fire to facilitate hostage release negotiations in Gaza. However, Netanyahu emphasized that any agreement must prioritize Israel’s security interests.

Israel has identified Rafah, located along the Egyptian border, as a strategic stronghold for Hamas. Efforts to negotiate the release of hostages through Qatari and Egyptian channels have stalled, with Hamas’s demands posing significant obstacles to progress.

Netanyahu urged the international community, particularly Qatar, to exert greater pressure on Hamas to facilitate the safe return of hostages.

As discussions continue, Netanyahu remains steadfast in Israel’s commitment to achieving a lasting resolution that ensures the safety and security of its citizens.

Daily True News

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