Newsom Opposes Barring Trump from Calif. Ballot, It’s Undemocratic

In a recent statement, California’s Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom spoke out against efforts to exclude former President Trump from the state’s electoral list, underlining the value of adhering to democratic norms.

Governor Newsom remarked, as per a report by the N.Y. Post, “Although Donald Trump poses a significant risk to our freedoms and democratic system, in California, we traditionally overcome political opponents through electoral victories. Any other approach is merely a diversion from real political issues.”

The issue gained traction when Trump almost faced exclusion from the Republican primary ballot in Colorado, following a decision by the state’s highest court. This decision is presently on hold, pending a final judgment from the Supreme Court. Similar considerations are underway in other states, including New York and Maine.

California’s Lieutenant Governor, Eleni Kounalakis, who is eyeing the governor’s office in 2026, called on the state’s Secretary of State, Shirley Weber, to investigate every legal avenue to potentially remove Trump from the ballot.

In the same vein, Democratic State Senator Dave Min introduced a legislative proposal that would empower California citizens to legally challenge the eligibility of certain candidates. However, the likelihood of this bill passing before the March 5 presidential primary is slim, given the legislative timeline.

Months before Colorado’s verdict, Democratic legislators in California had already appealed to Attorney General Rob Bonta to hasten the process of determining Trump’s eligibility for the ballot.

Highlighting the significance of abiding by legal principles in response to the Colorado verdict, Lt. Gov. Kounalakis said, “This is a matter of respecting the rule of law in our nation and safeguarding the core foundations of our democracy.”

Secretary Weber, in her response to Kounalakis’s appeal, did not give a definitive answer, stressing that any decision regarding Trump’s place on the ballot should be in harmony with Californian legal and procedural norms.

She was quoted by CBS News saying, “My actions are steered by a staunch dedication to the rule of law. Our unwavering respect for and adherence to this key democratic principle, even when faced with public pressure, is crucial to bolster trust in our electoral system and its processes.”

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