Nikki Haley: Parents, Doctor Need ‘Most Control’ in IVF

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley expressed her views on the recent Alabama court ruling declaring embryos as children, asserting that while she agrees with the ruling, she believes in vitro fertilization (IVF) should prioritize parental and physician control.

During an interview, “National Report,” Haley reaffirmed her “pro-life” position while recounting her personal experience with IVF, which resulted in the birth of her two children with her husband.

“I saw those embryos. Those, to me, were babies,” she emphasized.

Haley stressed the importance of state-level decision-making regarding IVF regulations, cautioning against measures that could restrict access to fertility treatments for women.

“It’s crucial that women like me have the opportunity to experience the blessing of parenthood,” she emphasized. “If Michael and I hadn’t undergone IVF, we would be childless today; and we are immensely grateful for our two children. However, it’s essential to ensure that control remains with the parents and physicians, with the guidance and protection of the medical professionals.”

Furthermore, Haley emphasized the necessity of treating embryos with respect and establishing clear expectations between the donors and the entity responsible for their storage and handling.

“It’s imperative that whoever holds these embryos respects their significance,” she noted. “There must be a clear understanding of the responsibilities of both the donors and the storage facility.”

Haley advocated for a case-by-case approach in handling embryos, recognizing that each situation is unique and requires individualized consideration.

“This is not a one-size-fits-all scenario,” she explained. “Decisions regarding embryos should be made collaboratively between the parents and the physician, taking into account factors such as viability and individual circumstances. Empowering parents and physicians with the authority to make these decisions is paramount.”

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