NKorea Fires Artillery Against Rival ‘Gangsters’

North Korea conducted a series of artillery rounds, firing more than 200 shells near a disputed maritime border with South Korea, intensifying tensions between the two nations. South Korea responded with live fire drills, and residents of remote South Korean islands were instructed to evacuate to bomb shelters. The North claimed its actions were a “natural response” to recent military activities by South Korea and warned of an “unprecedented strong response” if provocative moves continued. The exchange did not result in civilian or military casualties in South Korea.

South Korea’s Defense Minister Shin Won-sik denounced North Korea’s actions as provocative and a threat to peace on the Korean peninsula. The South conducted live-fire drills involving mechanized artillery and tanks, aiming to demonstrate an “overwhelming operational response.” The North’s Army General Staff defended its actions, asserting that they had not impacted South Korean islands near the maritime border.

China, North Korea’s primary political ally, called for restraint and urged both sides to resume dialogue. The disputed Northern Limit Line (NLL) area has witnessed deadly clashes between North and South Korea, including naval battles and the sinking of a South Korean corvette in 2010.

The recent escalation comes as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un publicly abandoned reconciliation and unification efforts with South Korea, characterizing the South as an enemy state. The North declared the 2018 agreement aimed at de-escalation and preventing accidental outbreaks of fighting as no longer valid, following South Korea’s decision to resume drills near the border.

Tensions on the Korean peninsula have risen, with both sides pledging strong military responses in the event of an attack. The disputed NLL, initially established at the end of the Korean War, has been a longstanding source of contention, with North Korea disputing its location and occasionally violating the line.

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