NY Post: State Dept Paid NewsGuard to Tar Conservative Media

A group of researchers from the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) claims that the Biden administration has circumvented the First Amendment by indirectly silencing dissent. They allege this has been achieved through the State Department’s funding of NewsGuard, which purportedly aims to defund conservative media. This perspective was shared by AIER senior researchers Phillip Magness, James Harrigan, and Ryan Yonk in a recent New York Post article.

The researchers argue that the First Amendment’s clarity is often overlooked by politicians who then seek assistance from others to prioritize ideology over constitutional principles, common sense, and decency. They cite the example of the collaboration between the Biden State Department and NewsGuard.

NewsGuard, established in 2018 by Steven Brill, a known Democrat activist and donor, has been criticized for targeting outlets like the Post, AIER, and Newsmax. The researchers suggest that NewsGuard’s ratings are used by advertising firms to deny conservative media outlets advertising revenue, affecting their profitability.

The AIER team explains that NewsGuard positions itself as an ‘Internet Trust Tool,’ claiming to provide resources against misinformation. However, the researchers question the implications of U.S. government funding for a corporation like NewsGuard through entities such as the Global Engagement Center.

They refer to a recent lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, alongside The Daily Wire and The Federalist. The suit alleges that the State Department is financing technology to make certain press outlets financially unsustainable, particularly those with conservative viewpoints.

AIER experienced NewsGuard’s impact firsthand during the COVID-19 pandemic. They hosted a conference leading to the ‘Great Barrington Declaration,’ which opposed lockdown measures. This drew attention from NewsGuard, resulting in a “fact-check” and subsequent scrutiny.

The AIER researchers criticize NewsGuard’s use of sources like former U.K. Health Secretary Matt Hancock, a proponent of strict lockdown policies, to critique their scientific research. They accuse NewsGuard of spreading misinformation, particularly in its initial dismissal of the COVID-19 lab-leak theory, which was later retracted.

The article concludes with a mention of AG Paxton’s lawsuit, suggesting it might reveal further evidence of a pay-for-play scheme. The AIER team believes the lawsuit serves the First Amendment and the American public by bringing these issues to light.

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