NY Times Poll Shock: 73 Percent Say Biden ‘Too Old’ for Presidency

In a surprising turn of events, a recent Siena College poll, has shed light on a concerning sentiment among Americans regarding President Biden’s age and effectiveness. The poll revealed that a staggering 73% of respondents believe Biden is “too old to be an effective president,” a sentiment shared by 61% of those who voted for him in 2020.

The Times’ attention-grabbing headline warned of the poll results posing a significant challenge to Biden’s chances of reelection. Former President Donald Trump seized on the opportunity to taunt both Biden and The New York Times during his campaign rally in Richmond, Virginia, on Saturday night.

During the rally, Trump asserted his dominance in the polls, predicting that The New York Times would highlight his lead over Biden. Trump’s remarks hinted at the perceived decline in the newspaper’s fortunes since his own presidency.

However, Biden’s standing appears to be faltering even among his own supporters.

“The survey revealed a notable shift in the perception of voters who previously backed Mr. Biden,” the Times analysis stated. “An astonishing 61% expressed concerns about his age, deeming him ‘just too old’ to effectively serve as president.”

These findings come in the wake of a report by special counsel Robert Hur, which suggested that Biden is viewed by Americans as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” and exhibiting “diminished faculties due to advancing age.”

In comparison, Trump, who is approximately four years younger than Biden, appears to have an edge on the age question, with 55% of respondents indicating that they do not consider him too old for the job.

Even Biden’s supporters have voiced apprehension about his capabilities.

“He’s incompetent; he’s clearly struggling to fulfill his duties,” remarked Brian Wells, a 35-year-old lawyer from Huntsville, Alabama, who reluctantly supported Biden. “He’s clearly reached the point where he’s too old for the job.”

The New York Times/Siena College poll surveyed 980 registered voters from February 25 to 28, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

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