Oxford: ‘Rizz’ 2023 Word of the Year

The Oxford University Press (OUP), known for publishing the renowned “Oxford English Dictionary,” has declared “rizz” as the word of the year for 2023. This term, popular among younger demographics, captures the essence of an individual’s style or charm.

OUP selected “rizz” based on its unique development and adoption process within certain communities before gaining broader recognition. According to a statement by OUP, reported by The Hill, this choice highlights the dynamic nature of language, especially in how younger generations establish their own linguistic spaces, both online and offline, where they have autonomy over the language they use.

The information about the selection of “rizz” as word of the year was reported by Nick Koutsobinas, a writer for Newsmax. Koutsobinas, a graduate of Missouri State University’s philosophy program, is recognized for his extensive experience in news reporting, particularly in uncovering corruption and censorship.

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