Pete King: ‘Insanity’ to Oust Speaker Johnson

“It’s simply baffling,” remarked former Rep. Pete King regarding Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s motion to vacate filed against House Speaker Mike Johnson over a budget disagreement. King, a former New York Republican, expressed concern over the potential repercussions for the Republican Party if such actions persist.

King emphasized the current political landscape, with Democrats holding sway in the White House and the Senate, and Republicans holding a narrow margin in the House of Representatives. He warned that Greene’s proposal could lead to further chaos and uncertainty.

Greene, representing Georgia, formally submitted a motion on Friday to oust Johnson, from Louisiana, citing his support for a $1.2 trillion spending bill. This procedure mirrors a similar move in October, which led to the removal of then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy from his position.

“We must appoint a speaker who upholds Republican values and principles, rather than straying from our core beliefs,” Greene stated on Friday.

King cautioned against expecting every budget to align perfectly with Republican ideals. “Any budget that gets passed will inevitably include provisions we don’t favor,” he remarked. “Negotiation and compromise are necessary to secure the best possible outcome.”

Highlighting the importance of winning elections to regain control of the Senate, presidency, and House, King stressed the need for strategic electoral victories.

Regarding Johnson’s performance as speaker, King questioned the rationale behind removing him from office, given the challenging circumstances he faces. “Considering the constraints he’s working under, it’s hard to see how Johnson could be doing much better,” King observed. “Attempting to oust a speaker, a rare occurrence in American history, seems ill-advised to me.”

Meanwhile, former Rep. Jack Kingston, also weighing in on Sunday’s “King’s Table” segment, addressed former President Donald Trump’s legal challenges in New York. Trump faces a deadline to post a $4.4 million bond in a civil fraud case or risk property seizure in the state.

Kingston highlighted the impact of ongoing legal battles on public perception, noting that many Americans sympathize with Trump’s predicament. He cited a recent Gallup Poll indicating widespread negative views toward the Department of Justice, suggesting potential political implications.

Regarding the New York case, Kingston criticized Attorney General Letitia James, accusing her of pursuing a partisan vendetta against Trump. He expressed hope that the appeals court would intervene, characterizing James’ actions as unjust and unconstitutional.

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