Pew Poll: Most Dems Say Biden Failing With Border

A recent survey by the Pew Research Center unveiled on Thursday, indicates that a significant portion of Democratic voters and those leaning towards the Democratic Party, 73%, believe President Joe Biden is performing poorly in managing the influx of migrants attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border. Furthermore, 80% of participants from the broader survey population criticized the U.S. government’s handling of the migration situation at the border, including 45% who labeled it as “very bad.”

The survey, which included opinions from 5,140 U.S. adults and was conducted from January 16-21, reveals that:

  • The negative sentiment regarding border management is notably high among Republicans, with 89% expressing dissatisfaction, a sentiment that has been consistent since the onset of Biden’s presidency. Conversely, 73% of Democrats now express discontent with the government’s border management, marking the highest level of dissatisfaction among Democrats during Biden’s term.
  • Republicans are significantly more inclined than Democrats to describe the border situation as a “crisis,” with 70% of Republicans versus 22% of Democrats holding this view.
  • Democrats predominantly categorize the border situation as either a major (44%) or minor problem (26%), with only a small fraction (7%) considering it not a problem.
  • Concerns about crime linked to the influx of migrants are prevalent, with 57% of Americans suggesting that it leads to increased crime, whereas 39% see no significant impact on crime levels.
  • The idea of significantly expanding the border wall is favored by 72% of Republicans as a solution to improve the situation, a stance only shared by 15% of Democrats. The majority of Democrats believe expanding the wall would either not make a difference (47%) or exacerbate the situation (24%).
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