Polls Show No Biden Bump After Combative State of the Union

President Joe Biden’s recent State of the Union address seems to have left a sour taste for many Americans, as indicated by several post-speech polls. According to findings reported by The Federalist, a notable 59% of registered voters, surveyed by HarrisX/Forbes, felt that Biden’s speech contributed to further division rather than unity, contrasting with 41% who disagreed.

Moreover, Biden’s address failed to significantly improve his standing in various other polls, including those conducted by YouGov, Yahoo, Rasmussen, FiveThirtyEight, and Morning Consult.

In the latest polling averages from FiveThirtyEight, Biden’s approval rating experienced a slight dip from 38.1% on March 7 to its current level of 38%. Similarly, the Economist/YouGov poll showed minimal change, with an approval/disapproval ratio of 42% to 56% on March 3-5, shifting only slightly to 42% to 55% on March 10-12.

A Yahoo News/YouGov survey conducted post-Biden’s speech revealed a statistical tie between Biden and former President Donald Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup, a deadlock that persists till date.

Before the address, Biden’s job approval ratings stood at 40% approval and 56% disapproval among Americans. Presently, those figures have shifted marginally to 39% approval and 55% disapproval, respectively.