Pope Francis’ Yearly Address: ‘Indiscriminately Striking’ Civilians Is War Crime

In his annual address to diplomats, Pope Francis focused on various global conflicts, including those in the Middle East and Ukraine. He emphasized that targeting civilians in warfare constitutes a war crime as it breaches international humanitarian law. The Pope, aged 87, delivered these remarks during a 45-minute speech often referred to as his “state of the world” address, attended by envoys from 184 countries.

The Pope addressed a range of issues including conflicts in Africa and Asia, migration issues in the Americas, climate change, and the persecution of Christians. He expressed concern about the escalation of the conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, urging for ceasefires across the region, including Lebanon.

He strongly condemned the October 7 attack by Hamas from Gaza into southern Israel, labeling it as an act of terrorism and extremism. He reiterated the call for the immediate release of those still held captive in Gaza.

Pope Francis highlighted the blurred lines in modern warfare between military and civilian targets, stating that conflicts often end up harming civilians indiscriminately. He cited the situations in Ukraine and Gaza as evidence of this, stressing the importance of adhering to and enforcing international humanitarian law to protect human dignity during conflicts.

Regarding the Israel-Gaza conflict, Palestinian health officials report that 22,835 Palestinians have been killed, while Israel reports 1,200 deaths and around 240 hostages from the Hamas attack on October 7. The conflict in Ukraine has also resulted in thousands of civilian casualties since Russia’s invasion in 2022.

Pope Francis emphasized that civilian casualties should be seen not as ‘collateral damage’ but as individuals with names and identities. He also addressed the rise of antisemitism since the Gaza conflict, calling for its eradication from society.

In his speech, the Pope also criticized the armaments industry and proposed creating a fund where savings from reduced weapon stockpiles could be used to combat hunger. Additionally, he condemned surrogate motherhood as a violation of the dignity of women and children, advocating for its universal prohibition.

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