Pope: LGBT Blessings for Individuals, Not Unions

Pope Francis has once again defended a Vatican document regarding blessings for same-sex couples, emphasizing that these blessings do not signify approval of a lifestyle considered potentially sinful by the Church. Instead, the Pope clarified that such blessings are intended for individuals seeking to draw closer to God.

This clarification comes in the wake of widespread debate within the Church following the declaration issued on December 18. Some bishops in various countries had resisted implementing the document, prompting Pope Francis to address the matter for the second time in as many weeks. His initial clarification was provided during an Italian television interview on January 14.

During his recent address to members of the Vatican’s doctrinal department, Pope Francis underscored the intentions behind these blessings. He stated that the purpose was “to concretely show the closeness of the Lord and the Church to all those who, finding themselves in different situations, ask for help to continue – sometimes to begin – a journey of faith.”

The Catholic Church maintains its teaching that same-sex sexual relations are considered sinful and disordered. It advises individuals with same-sex attractions, which are not seen as sinful, to pursue chastity.

Pope Francis emphasized that those seeking such blessings were not required to attain “moral perfection” but clarified that the blessings were not meant to justify relationships deemed irregular by the Church. He made it clear that when couples spontaneously request these blessings, they are not blessing the union itself but rather the individuals making the request.

Additionally, the Pope stressed that these blessings should not be conducted within a liturgical context, in contrast to traditional weddings. The document specifies that such blessings should be carried out discreetly, devoid of any extravagant ceremony or ceremonial elements.

Throughout his papacy since 2013, Pope Francis has endeavored to make the Church more inclusive and welcoming to LGBT individuals, all while upholding the moral doctrine. In his recent address, he acknowledged the pushback that the document had encountered, particularly in regions like Africa, where some bishops effectively rejected it. In certain countries in Africa, same-sex activity can lead to legal consequences, including imprisonment or even the death penalty.

Pope Francis encouraged priests to consider the context, sensitivities, and appropriate methods when granting these blessings, recognizing the diversity of situations and the need for pastoral sensitivity.

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