Rep. Banks: World Less Safe Since Biden Became President

In response to House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Mike Turner’s cryptic statement regarding a “serious national security threat,” Representative Jim Banks criticized the Biden administration’s handling of international affairs, asserting that it has weakened the United States and made the world less secure.

A Republican from Indiana, attributed global crises since Biden took office to what he described as weak leadership. He contrasted Biden’s tenure unfavorably with the perceived security during Donald Trump’s presidency, claiming that “the world was safer every single day” under Trump’s administration.

Banks is currently leading a Republican campaign against the Pentagon’s leadership in the Biden administration, alleging collaboration with left-wing organizations in military recruitment efforts that ostracize conservatives.

In his efforts, Banks has reached out to advertising agencies involved in military recruitment to inquire about their partnerships, citing concerns over alleged censorship by entities like Newsguard. He stressed the importance of combating such practices, particularly in light of what he described as the worst recruitment year on record for the military’s all-volunteer force.

Banks further accused Pentagon leadership of seeking to transform the military by implementing policies such as vaccine mandates, which he believes aim to purge conservative Republicans from service and replace them with individuals of differing political ideologies. According to Banks, partnerships with organizations like Newsguard facilitate this agenda by influencing recruitment strategies.

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