Rep. Biggs: Hunter Biden Trying to Stonewall Congress

On Thursday, Representative Andy Biggs, a Republican from Arizona, expressed his views that Hunter Biden is actively obstructing the House Republicans’ investigation into his family’s business dealings.

Biggs remarked that Hunter Biden had a duty to attend a closed-door deposition as demanded by a subpoena earlier in the week. However, Biden did not appear for the deposition, leading to some House members considering the possibility of holding him in contempt of Congress.

Biggs emphasized, “He had an obligation to come in. He was served properly with a subpoena.”

The congressman from Arizona noted that they had expected Hunter Biden might invoke the Fifth Amendment, which protects against self-incrimination, extensively. Instead, Biden chose to show contempt by not appearing.

“We think he knows quite a bit about the ongoing activities,” Biggs commented. “Publicly, he claims his father was unaware of the business, yet we have significant evidence suggesting otherwise. Therefore, his presence was crucial.”

Biggs expressed his belief that this incident is just another attempt by Hunter Biden to delay and obstruct the investigation.

Furthermore, Biggs addressed recent statements by Senator Chuck Grassley, a Republican from Iowa, who mentioned not having seen any evidence implicating President Joe Biden in wrongdoing. Responding to this, Biggs stated, “We are in the midst of investigating this matter,” and argued that “circumstantial evidence can be just as valid as direct evidence.”

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