Rep. Comer: Bank Records, Not Informant, Key to Case

Democrats have been advocating for the closure of the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden in light of the indictment of former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov by the Department of Justice. Smirnov faces charges of lying about the president’s purported business dealings with a Ukrainian energy company.

However, Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., who heads the impeachment inquiry, shared with Newsmax on Thursday that Smirnov’s case represents just a fraction of the broader investigation into alleged influence peddling and criminal activities involving Biden and his family.

In an interview with “Rob Schmitt Tonight,” Comer emphasized that Smirnov is merely a “micropiece” of the larger puzzle. He underscored the significance of bank records obtained during the investigation, asserting that they provide a comprehensive narrative that cannot be disputed.

The Department of Justice alleges that Smirnov falsely claimed on an FBI FD-1023 form that Joe Biden and his son Hunter received $5 million each from Burisma Holdings Ltd. to influence Ukraine’s decision to dismiss prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the company. Shokin was subsequently fired.

Comer explained that the investigation pursued every lead, including a tip from Sen. Chuck Grassley regarding the FBI form implicating Joe Biden in bribery. He highlighted the form’s reference to Biden as the “big guy” and its indication that the alleged bribe transited through various bank accounts, aligning with the findings from bank records obtained through subpoenas.

Regarding Smirnov’s allegations, Comer clarified that they wouldn’t be included in the final impeachment inquiry report due to the anonymity of the source. However, he emphasized the credibility of the investigation, which relies heavily on bank records.

Comer expressed frustration with the FBI’s handling of the investigation, stating that despite their obstruction, the inquiry has meticulously followed the evidence trail provided by bank records. He stressed the significance of the findings, asserting that they reveal the Biden family’s substantial financial dealings with foreign entities, raising concerns about potential influence peddling.

In conclusion, Comer emphasized that the investigation’s reliance on concrete evidence from bank records ensures its credibility and integrity, regardless of the obstacles faced from law enforcement agencies. He underscored the importance of transparency and accountability in revealing the extent of the Biden family’s financial entanglements with foreign entities.

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