Rep. Comer: ‘We Expect’ Hunter Biden to Comply

The Oversight Committee in the House of Representatives is preparing for Hunter Biden’s deposition next week. However, Biden has expressed a preference for a public session rather than a private discussion with legislators, as noted by Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer.

Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, has emphasized the legitimacy of the subpoena issued to Biden, expecting him to adhere to it. He highlighted the precedent set by the Democratic Party during previous impeachment inquiries and the January 6 committee hearings, where depositions were a common practice.

Comer has assured that, unlike some instances during the January 6 committee events where public hearings did not always follow depositions, there will be a public hearing after Biden’s deposition. He noted the extensive and detailed nature of the questions planned, involving numerous transactions and bank records.

Biden’s legal representative, Abbe Lowell, has communicated Biden’s willingness to appear in a public hearing, citing concerns about the misuse of private sessions by the Oversight Committee to potentially misrepresent facts. Lowell’s statement emphasized the need for transparency and truth in these proceedings.

Nevertheless, Comer has insisted on the necessity of a private deposition for thorough investigation, comparing the process to standard practices in both the private sector and law enforcement. He also assured that the Democrats would be given equal time to question Biden, emphasizing the importance of detailed questioning in a significant investigation like this.

In addition to the deposition, Comer shed light on findings regarding financial transactions involving President Joe Biden and an unspecified American bank with operations in China. He claimed the bank acted appropriately by reporting suspicions of money laundering and securities fraud related to the Bidens’ financial activities. Comer praised the bank’s cooperation in their investigation, noting their efforts to bring truth to light and avoid complicity in potential wrongdoing.

Comer further mentioned ongoing efforts to obtain emails, allegedly under a pseudonym used by President Biden, from the National Archives. He expressed determination to access these emails, believing they could reveal a lack of separation between the government and the Biden family’s business dealings. This development forms part of a broader scrutiny by the committee, which aims to unveil the truth behind these allegations.

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