Rep. Fallon: Thanks to Biden, Border Worse Than Ever

Rep. Pat Fallon, a Texas Republican, voiced his concerns about the deteriorating situation at the U.S. border.

Fallon shared his recent experience, stating, “I was at the border just a few weeks ago, and here’s what I observed: In the Del Rio region, three weeks ago, the cartels employed surge tactics. This involves directing around 4,000 migrants to cross the border at a specific location. Every single Border Patrol agent in the Del Rio Sector was occupied processing these individuals who had crossed the border unlawfully.”

He elaborated on the tactics employed by the cartels, emphasizing their diversionary strategy, which allows them to focus on smuggling narcotics and other contraband. Fallon pointed out that this massive influx of migrants concentrated in one area left hundreds of miles of the southern border unguarded by Border Patrol agents.

“In no uncertain terms, it’s the Mexican drug cartels that control our southern border, not the federal government,” asserted Fallon.

The representative from Texas went on to describe the border situation as a “border cataclysm” and expressed deep concerns about the individuals crossing the southern border during the past three years of the Biden administration. He noted a significant increase in the number of Chinese nationals crossing the border, citing a surge from 323 a couple of years ago to a staggering 24,000 in the past fiscal year. Additionally, Fallon highlighted the remarkable statistic that individuals from 174 different countries have crossed the border in recent years.

In summary, Rep. Pat Fallon raised serious alarms about the worsening conditions at the U.S. border under the Biden administration, with Mexican drug cartels gaining control and employing surge tactics to divert Border Patrol resources, allowing for increased illegal activities along the southern border.

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